Our School Day

Breakfast Club: 8:45 am (£3 per day by arrangement with the school office)
School starts at: 9:15 am 
Registration closes: 9:30 am (Registers marked as late after 9:30) 
Timing during the school day vary around the needs of the pupils and planned activities. All pupils enjoy a rich timetable of trips and onsite activities, making use of our cookery and DT room, hydro Pool, library and computer lab, playgrounds, sensory gardens and sensory room, gym and sports hall. Weekly trips may include forest school, swimming lessons, sailing, woodwork, horse riding and much more.
Lunch: 12 – 1 pm / 12:30 – 1:30pm
End of the school day 3:15 pm.
Total school time is 30 hours per week.
After school clubs run throughout the year. Charge £3.  Places allocated on suitability and fairness of provision.









Our school breakfast club is generously funded by Greggs.


Parents are asked to telephone the school (01285 652480) to explain every absence. Parents are legally obliged to make a written Absence Request for permission for a child to be absent from school during term-time for, for example, medical or dental appointments or a family holiday. If the school has concerns about pupils’ attendance, the School Attendance Lead will follow these up.
If a child becomes ill at school, we must be able to contact parents, or another emergency contact, and so it is important that parents keep us up to date with changes in telephone numbers, contacts etc. Should a child become ill during school they will be referred to a qualified first aider.  Parents will be asked to collect their child from school if necessary if the pupil cannot access learning.
However, if your child is unwell, please keep him or her off school to avoid the illness spreading to other children (and staff) in the class.  This is especially important when a child has a tummy bug such as vomiting or diarrhoea.  In this case, children should be clear of symptoms for 48 hours before they return to school. Is my child too ill for school? – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
It is school policy not to administer medicines of any kind to pupils, unless these have been prescribed, are clearly labelled, and accompanied by written instructions from parents.
Where your child receives regular or emergency medication, consent for administration will be given annually when you complete the consent form, and will be supported by a protocol from a Consultant/Specialist Nurse.
If you have given permission for paracetamol / calpol to be given we will be in contact to let you know if this has happened.
Permission may be given for family holidays in term time at the discretion of the Head Teacher. You will need to complete an absence request form and return it to school, giving a reasonable period of notice.

UPDATE from Gloucestershire County Council: Free school meal vouchers

Parents and carers who want to apply for a free school meal voucher can now do so via our online form – forms.gloucestershire.gov.uk/FreeSchoolMeals

To make it quicker to apply by phone, we have tripled the number of people answering and returning calls, to more than 30. The number to call is 01452 328518. If all lines are busy you will be able to leave your name and number on the voicemail service for someone to call you back.

To make sure payments are made as quickly as possible, normally the next day, the company issuing the vouchers for us have doubled the people they have processing requests.


School Uniform

Our uniform supplier is Cirencester company DJ Sports. Uniform can be picked up from their shop or delivered to school.

DJ Sports Schoolwear Website

The Paternoster School uniform is a sweatshirt, in royal blue or red for primary school and navy blue for secondary school.  Black or grey trousers, skirt, or jogging bottoms are appropriate.  Polo shirts are also available. The school does not have a seasonal specific uniform.

Although uniform is not compulsory, all pupils are expected to come to school tidily dressed and with the appropriate kit and equipment for their lessons. High heeled, wedged shoes or flip flops are not allowed.  Uniform items can be purchased from the DJ Sports shop in Cirenester,  but non-branded/generic and second hand sweatshirts and polo shirts are acceptable.

For PE, games and swimming, children need to bring trainers, shorts/joggers, T-shirt, sports socks, trunks or costume and towel.

Children who go horse-riding and to other outdoor education opportunities need to bring wellington boots and suitable outdoor clothing

Please ensure that all clothing and kit is clearly marked with the pupil’s name.

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