Who are we?

Friends of Paternoster (FOPS) is a registered charity and a member of the PTA-UK.

What do we do?

FOPS was set up to raise money for Paternoster School to buy items that fall outside the school budget and would be invaluable to the pupils’ development.

It is made up of parents, staff and members of the local community who meet 4 -5 times a year to decide how to spend any funds that come into FOPs and also organise fundraising.

Our meetings usually last an hour and pre-Covid took place at school. In the current COVID climate meetings are organized on Zoom so you can attend from the comfort of your own home!

Attendance at meetings is also not compulsory and minutes are always sent out to keep members up to date.

We’re always keen to hear from new members who would love you to join the FOPs to bring new ideas for fundraising. Here are a few:

  • Baking cakes for a cake sale
  • Organising sponsored activities
  • Running a stall at the School Fair or generally helping out at the fair
  • Helping with gardening in the sensory garden
  • What have we funded?

Historically these are some of the things the FOPs have helped to pay for:

  • The accessible playground
  • The sensory garden
  • A minibus in conjunction with Lords Taverners
  • A people carrier in conjunction with Pied Piper
  • A residential trip to Calvert Trust
  • 2 Race Running bikes
  • Music therapy sessions
  • Pantomime at school
  • Circus skills workshop

We are always looking for new members and welcome their enthusiasm and ideas for fundraising.

If anyone is interested in joining the FOP or has any ideas for fundraising please contact:

Sheryl Suzanne – Parent Support Worker  – Sheryl.suzanne@paternoster.sandmat.uk

Current Members:

Dan Lawrence – Chair

Roxy Roberts – Treasurer

Lynette Frances-Fuchs – Secretary

Members: Lizzie Weller-Brown, Wendy Wilson, Fara Bignell, Jennie Laird, Sheryl Suzanne, Catherine Moore, Emma Kay, Lorraine Law, Steph Knowles


FOPS roles
